The ‘Fight for $15’ and Perils of Federal Minimum Wage Hikes

If you’re interested in having Brad discuss this issue on TV, radio, podcast, or with your group, contact him at

Good intentions don’t change the fact that, if successful, the Fight for $15’s biggest casualty would be the marginalized workers its champions are supposed to care about.
— Brad Polumbo, Newsweek

Why does this all matter?

If free-market voices don’t push back on progressive minimum wage proposals, millions of jobs will be eliminated and the entire economy will suffer. We must make the affirmative case against minimum wage hikes and show how they actually hurt the working class and marginalized people they’re supposed to help.

The Failed Big Government COVID-19 ‘Stimulus Response’

If you’re interested in having Brad discuss this issue on TV, radio, podcast, or with your group, contact him at

The government cannot create wealth out of thin air. Whatever benefits do come from this stimulus effort will mean either higher taxes or skyrocketing debt that future generations will have to pay off. The stimulus failures to date all offer yet another reminder that when we rely on Big Government solutions, incompetence, inefficiency, and waste are all baked into the cake.
— Brad Polumbo,

Why does this all matter?

The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually subside. But the enormous levels of government spending and state economic control that Americans have accepted during this crisis will remain — unless we fight to preserve the system of free-market capitalism that has made America so prosperous throughout our nation’s history.

How Big Government Broke Higher Education

If you’re interested in having Brad discuss this issue on TV, radio, podcast, or with your group, contact him at

Democrats will never accomplish anything meaningful for the people adversely impacted by sky-high tuition rates and student loan debt until they reexamine the root cause of the problem they’re trying to address. In the meantime, their proposals would just worsen the inequality they’re supposed to be fighting against.
— Brad Polumbo,

From Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Senator Bernie Sanders to President-Elect Joe Biden, a huge coalition is pushing for student debt “cancelation” and other Big Government “solutions” to the rising problem of higher education affordability.

But failed government interventions created this problem in the first place, and the progressive “solutions” on offer aren’t solutions at all.

Brad has extensively covered this policy issue: